Brussels 5th day

This is my 5th day in Brussels.

Today, I talked about what I am thinking about my thesis and got some advices from the member of the laboratory.

English is difficult and it sometimes takes a little more time to translate my mind into English. But I'm glad to see they afterwards understand what I'm thinking about.

By the way, I uploaded some pictures in Brussels to my flickr yesterday. I would like to introduce the scene in Brussels.

TGV, high speed railway


Slope like an escalator without steps


Vrije Universiteit Brussel. ブリェ ユニバーシテイト ブリュッセルと読むらしい. The weather has been not so good since I came here.


Meeting room. I spend most of my time here and student room next to this.

A super market next to my dormitory. Everything is bigger than Japanese ones.


学生ぽい人たちが絆創膏とかが入った袋を5 euroで売っていました.
