VerifyError, LogCat, String.isEmpty, and Android SDK-level 9

When I was building AmbientTalk android project, I got VerifyError at

		//boot the virtual machine and evaluator actor.
		repl_ = new ReadEvalPrintLoop(iatio_);

I noticed something is wrong with ReadEvalPrintLoop class but could not find the reason.

Android java.lang.VerifyError? - Stack Overflow answers the reason: see LogCat.

LogCat is a logging tool for Android application and can be seen "Window"->"Show View" ->"Other" then select "LogCat" from "Android" list.

As you see in

02-13 20:44:19.902: ERROR/dalvikvm(275): Could not find method java.lang.String.isEmpty, referenced from method$ReadEvalPrintLoop.execute

Looking at String  |  Android Developers, you'll find String.isEmpty() is available after API Level 9. The target of the project was level 4. That is why I got the error that String.isEmpty could not be found by compiler.