MacBook Air
Today, got MacBook Air.
But "Migration Assistant" doesn't work in university's wireless network. So I installed MANUALLY ^^:
- Firefox 3
- Skype
- Limechat
- MacPorts
- git
- sshfs
- pTeX +hiragino +otf +utf8 +nox11 +macosx
- advi
- caml-findlib
- camlimages*1
- Xcode
- CarbonEmacs
- texshop
- gyazo
- AquaSKK
- apel, ddskk thx to Carbon Emacs に ddskk をインストール。 - 日々、とんは語る。
And set pereferences of:
- Spaces's application
- Enable to view Finder'hidden files Mac OS X、Finderで隠しファイルを表示する方法
- Terminal's transparent background and anti-aliased interface
- Firefox's homepage to iGoogle
- chsh (to zsh)
- Disable Spotlight shortcut-key (C-SPC) for Emacs' set-mark-command
By the way, Growl, which I didn't installed, is working on upper-right corner... Is it the default behavior of recent Mac or Skype?
*1:It won't installed from port. so I installed it from source with --prefix=/opt/local